Producing Fruit

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.
John 15:5


I am not good at horticulture.  I don’t know which plants are which or what it takes to grow a flower.  Kinda sad . . . I know!  What I do know though is that plants are supposed to produce fruit.  Fruit is not always an apple or an orange.  Fruit can also means a flower or a leaf.  In either case, plants are supposed to produce something relative to its being.  Simply put, fig trees produce figs, orange trees produce oranges, etc.   If a tree doesn’t produce fruit, it is dead and should be cut down.  Trees produce fruit . . . it is what they do.

As Christians, we should desire to “bear fruit” in our lives. While we are not producing apples and oranges, our fruit should be just as identifiable.  The apostle Paul details the fruits that we are supposed to have in our lives.  Our fruit is patience, kindness, joy, love . . . the list goes on (check out Galatians 5 if you want to see an extensive list).  When we produce this fruit in our lives it is evidence that we are connected to Christ.  If we aren’t producing fruit, we aren’t connected to Christ - it’s a mathematical equation.  Christians produce fruit . . . it’s what we do.

So consider your lives today.  Are you producing fruit;  would someone else recognize your connection with Christ through you attitudes and actions today?

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